Reflective Consultation
Ellison Center provides reflective consultation services to individuals and organizations that work with families and young children.
Reflective Consultation is:
A relationship-based practice designed for professionals to discuss their work one-on-one or in small groups.
A designated opportunity to reflect on the ways in which one’s beliefs, life experiences and values impact their work with young children and families.
An innovative model of professional development used to support early childhood professionals—home visitors, early education teachers, early interventionists, child welfare workers, public health nurses, child care providers, juvenile justice workers, allied health professionals—anyone involved in providing services for children and families.
A space to thoughtfully examine and explore the impact of culture on the consultative relationship, how cultural and linguistic diversity influences the consultative process, and the capacity of the consultant to provide culturally responsive care.
Working with children and families who live in high-stress situations or have challenging problems requires large amounts of emotional energy. This work can feel overwhelming and emotionally draining, leading to burnout, emotional numbing, or even secondary traumatic stress symptoms.
Open to anyone working with or on behalf of infants, young children, and their caregivers (including those in early care and education, mental health, child protection, public health, etc.), opportunities are available for both individual and agency-wide reflective consultation. For more information on reflective consultation services, please email